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Robert Rogers' Rules for the Ranging Service:
An Analysis


by Matt Wulff


Robert Rogers Rules for the Ranging ServiceMajor Robert Rogers of the famous Rogers’ Rangers wrote the Rules for the Ranging Service in 1757 to instruct selected members of the regular British Army in the techniques of “woods warfare” in North America: ambush, attack, pursuit, retreat, and other tactics. In this book, Matt Wulff analyzes each rule and depicts it in practical use with excerpts from historical journals and accounts of the exploits of Rogers’ Rangers. Maps, diagrams, and photographs add visual dimension to the descriptions. The opening chapter explains the development of Rogers’ Rangers, their habits, clothing, gear, and weapons. Several types of eighteenth-century muskets are pictured and described in the appendix.

he index includes names and subjects. Rogers’ Rangers earned their place in military history as the model for the soon-to-evolve light infantry. Special Forces such as the Green Berets and the United States Army Rangers have adapted Rogers’ Rules for the Ranging Service for modern military use.

2006, 5½ x 8½, paper, index, 272 pages
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