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George Washington, Frontiersman by Zane Grey


George Washington Frontiersman book by Zane GreyGeorge Washington, Frontiersman, written near the end of Zane Grey’s career, is here published for the first time and so available for the popular novelist’s many fans.

The novel relates the life of the young Washington from his birth to his taking command of the Continental Army in 1775. From Washington’s rumored romance with Sally Fairfax and his surveying trips with her husband into the Shenandoah and the Ohio River Valley to his role in General Braddock’s disastrous campaign to wrest Fort Duquesne from the French, Grey captures the spirit of Washington during his young years as both a woodsman and a frontiersman, a person who liked peace but savored battle.

Grey’s numerous works today sell some half a million copies a year, have been translated into twenty-three different languages, and have been made into more than a hundred motion pictures. Though most of his work is laid in the Old West, Grey’s first three novels were about the early days of his native Ohio, and he returned to that setting for this work, the next to last novel he wrote.

Hardback, 1994, 268 pgs, $25.00
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