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Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania

  by George Donehoo $29.95  

Indian Villages and Place Names of PennsylvaniaNo state in the entire nation is richer in Indian names or in fact Indian history than Pennsylvania. Indian Villages and Place Names in Pennsylvania is a valuable reference book for anyone, student or other, who wants to learn more about the land’s inhabitants before it ever became “Penn’s Woods.” Although first published in 1928, it was reprinted in 1977 and again in 2014. The need for this reprint comes from Dr. Donehoo’s translations of the hundreds of Native American names that appear across the commonwealth. Indian Villages is the only major book that traces back Indian names and places for their correct form, origin and history.

These 480 pages are filled with the most incredible collection of information ever assembled on the Indian place names of Pennsylvania. In researching his book, Mr. Donehoo, not only went over every available source of printed material about place names in Pennsylvania, but also walked over nearly every Indian trail, from the Delaware to the Ohio, using every trader's journal and maps as his guide. Each Indian name comes complete with historical notes by the author, and as you read, you get a sense about each place; a feeling of walking with the author through each early village, along every river and stream and across the mountains of Pennsylvania into Indian history.

Mr. Donehoo was a former secretary of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and his book is a must for every serious student of Indian history.

480 pages, biblio., paperback, $29.95.
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