At Daybreak by Robert Griffing
Fort Niagra 1769
Mist rises
from the Niagara River as the early morning sun greets four Ottawa
canoes gliding swiftly across the still waters from Fort Niagara
in the autumn of 1769. Settlers crossing Indian boundaries and a
decline in trade goods from England created a period of unrest among
the tribes of the Great Lakes. The log stockade, constructed in
1768 at Fort Niagara, was a result of this threat. However, the
Ottawa, whose name in Algonquin means "he buys", were still trading
during these unsettled times.
Thirty feet
above the "Bottoms", stands Fort Niagara with its great stone building
known today as the "Castle." The fort was established by the French
in 1726 and later became a British post during the French and Indian
War when captured in July of 1759 by His Majesty's forces under
the command of Sir William Johnson.
Now Available
"Fort Niagara" open edition print. These are not numbered
or signed, are smaller and represent just a "detail" of
the full sized limited edition print.
