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John Bye

Catch of the Day by John Bye


Catch of the Day by John Bye


“As a child I loved magic. Through it, you learn there are big differences between people observing something their brain has determined they will see, as opposed to what their eyes actually see. My art takes advantage that,” relates John Bye. “I paint photo-realistically because I am fascinated with technical aspects and the skills necessary to do it successfully. I see my paintings as High Definition windows on the world. “I love painting birds of prey; they hunt, they eat. Everything about them is black and white. The precision and complexity necessary for an Osprey eagle to take a fish out of the water is something that takes your breath away. The beauty of that power and dexterity is what 'Catch of the Day' captures.”



Small size: 75 signed and numbered canvas prints
Image Size: 28" x 13"
Price - $245.00
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Large size: 20 signed and numbered canvas prints
Image Size: 39" x 18"
Price: $595.00
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©2018 Lord Nelson's Gallery ~ 1-800-664-9797
27 Chambersburg St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325
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